High Dynamic Performance
Vulkollan™ Wheels, produced with Desmodur® 15 (NDI), stands out as one of the most formidable elastomers available today. It boasts unmatched mechanical and dynamic load-bearing capabilities, making it the preferred choice for demanding applications across various technical fields.
Compared to traditional metal or rubber alternatives, Vulkollan™ elastomers offer a unique blend of strength, speed, and durability. These characteristics extend service life significantly, reducing maintenance costs and withstanding rigorous daily wear and tear with exceptional reliability.

Key Benefits

Exceptional tensile strength, tear resistance, minimal compression set, and low abrasion loss.

Minimal energy loss and heat buildup, coupled with high rebound resilience.

Operates continuously up to 80°C, with short-term resilience up to 120°C. Remains elastic and shock-absorbing down to -35 °C.

Resilient to
Environmental Factors
Demonstrates good resistance to UV radiation, ozone, greases, and oils.
Material Handling
- Forklifts
- AGVs
- Stacker Cranes
- Shuttles
- Heavy-load Transporters

- Skid Rollers
- Overhead Conveyors
- Turntables
- Technical Molded Parts

Machinery Industry
- Agriculture
- Dairy Carousels & Turntables
- Baggage Handling
- Elevators & Escalators
- Glass Transport
- Mining & Tunnel Drilling

Theme Parks & Amusements
- High Speed, High Load Rollercoaster Wheels
- Guiding Rollers & Load Wheels

Wheel Options

Acorn™ is a proud partner and certified dealer of Vulkoprin NV.